Montag, 8. Juni 2015

Dhaka: First Impressions - updated

What I like:
- the people - everybody is just so incredibly friendly here (not just compared to Hamburg or Dortmund)
- the climate change community, which has its own language, full of abbreviations (IPCC, UNFCCC, CCA, DRR, BCCSAP), and in which people come together from all over the world, with everybody knowing just Bonn in Germany (home to the technical sessions of UNFCCC negotiations each June)
- the mangos! the lychees! the bananas!
- among friends, colleagues, and even acquaintances, you always share your food
- there are no fixed prices: foreigners pay more than locals for transportation (Rickshaw and CNG), and steady customers get better prices in restaurants: some contribution to "financial justice"
... I could add so much more.

What I don't like:
- the weather: just way too hot, and humid; the rain in between doesn't really help
- the habit of people just dumping their trash on the street, and of spitting out all the time (especially men, but also some women)
- the traffic - I know it's cliché, but to go 10 kilometers in rush hour, you might need one hour. This is not to talk abut the fumes, and the dust, and the continous honking
- the incredible poverty of some people you see in the street, and the strict distinction between rich and poor - me living in a sort of "gated community" here in Baridhara, among politicains, diplomats, tourists, and everyone else who can affort to escape from the crowded and dirty streets
- people in Baridhara having their servants - sorry: employees - wash their big facy cars every day, while there is scarcity of fresh water supply in some other parts of this country!

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