Sonntag, 17. Mai 2015

Dhaka, Bangladesh: What and why

What I do:
- research for my master thesis on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) in Bangladesh
- staying as visiting researcher at the Centre of Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) for five weeks
- conducting interviews with different stakeholders of CBA
- participating in ICCCAD activities and events
A full description of my research can be found on the Gobeshona Website.

What I really do:
- staying at the guest house, a shared appartment for visiting researchers, in Baridhara
- working at the centre, joining seminars and conferences
- going around the city to meet my interviewees: Bengali researchers, representatives of international "development partners", of national NGOs, and the government
- exploring the city, trying to get to know the country, and its people

... and why?
- because Bangladesh is a country most affected by climate change - without having contributed to global warming
- because the government, the scientific community, and civil society are extremely aware of, and very advanced in adaptation processes
- many different kinds of CBA projects have been and are conducted in Bangladesh by various stakeholders
- understanding and analysing such projects will help "us westerners" to widen our own, mitigation-focused perception of anthropogenic climate change, and hopefully raise our support for countries like Bangladesh
- my thesis for obtaining the "Master of Peace and Security Studies" therefore aims to enhance this understanding to contribute to Positive Peace and Global Justice

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